Nokia Internet services?

Hi guys, how the things are going in your work? I hope very well isn’t it? How was your last weekend? Do you celebrate the 4th of July? Today it’s monday and i know, i know… it’s the most dificult day. 😉

Nokia Internet Services:
The top one cellphones company, sign a deal this week whit the TelNor; Telecomm Norweign Group for its OVI Interent services, the deal include Nokia Maps, nGage & the music store. Reuters full articule.

Read this:
1.-Nokia CHurch
2.-Nokia and Yahoo; Deal or no deal?
3.-Nokia Boots.

This fiscal year the Finland Company go «out» to shopping around the world, the company also sign with Warner music and spend a lot of money for a Social Networking.

Could be the gNext «Next Generation Co.» or Motorola, Samsung, LG, fight for the money, sorry the services? what do you think? 😉

Gracias por confiar en Reynosa Blogs.

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